Pub. 8 2018 Issue 1

7 MINING FOCUS twice as much copper as cars powered by gasoline alone; electric cars even more. Computer chips are made from as many as 60 different minerals or their constituent elements. And the U.S. Department of Defense uses more than 750 thousand tons of minerals annually. We have heard a lot over the years about the importance of energy independence, but it is equally as important (if not more so) that we are minerals independent. Unfortunately, a lack of access to economically viable mineral deposits and a lengthy, inefficient federal permitting system has resulted in Mark Compton, President PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE We have heard a lot over the years about the importance of energy independence, but it is equally as important (if not more so) that we are minerals independent. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE continued on page 8 Domestic Mining is Key to Our Nation’s Success I t is time that we as a Nation recognize the critical importance of minerals to our national security, our economy and our everyday lives. Mining makes every aspect of our lives possible. Most people never think about the pivotal role mining plays in their lifestyle and standard of living, but mined products are key to the advanced, technological, comfortable and more healthful existence we enjoy. Think about it…try to name one thing you did today that wasn’t made possible in some way by mining. You were awakened at your home (mined) by an alarm (mined), and got out of bed (mined). You showered (mined), brushed your teeth with toothpaste (mined) and put on your clothes (mined). You hopped in your car (mined) and drove on roads (mined) to your place of business (mined) and immediately checked your email on your computer (mined). Well, this could go on all day, but you get the idea. Mining is a unique industry in that it is the basis for our entire way of life, yet few people ever give it a second thought, much less consider its significance. That needs to change. Every year, the average American uses hundreds of newly mined minerals. It is relatively easy to visualize that we need mining for items such as cars, televisions, computers, cell phones, and even our national security. New hybrid cars use