Pub. 4 2014 Issue 1

19 MINING FOCUS by nuclear power generation has averaged about 20%, with increases in nuclear generation that have roughly tracked the growth in total electricity output. Between 1985 and 1996, 34 new reactors were placed in service. In addition, nuclear generation has increased as a result of higher utilization of existing capacity and from technical modifications to increase nuclear plant capacity. Partly in response to incentives provided by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, including new construction loan guarantees for new nuclear power plants, EIA expects nuclear power output to grow, although at a rate about half that of total electricity generation. There are 31 States with at least one commercial nuclear reactor. Most of the commercial reactors in the United States are located east of the Mississippi River. Illinois has the most reactors (11) and the most nuclear capacity. The three largest reactors in the United States, each with capacities above 1,300 net megawatts, are located at the Palo Verde plant in Arizona. The smallest reactor (478 net megawatts) is at Fort Calhoun, Nebraska. A power plant refers to an entire facility. A plant may contain nuclear as well as non-nuclear units. Each reactor located at a commercial nuclear plant is part of a unique nuclear generating unit with its own personnel, equipment, and generators. The reactor provides heat to make steam, which drives a turbine and in turn drives the generator, which provides electricity. The United States has the most nuclear capacity and generation among the 31 countries in the world that have commercial nuclear power. France, the country with the second most nuclear capacity, relies on nuclear power for nearly 80% of its electricity. Other countries that get a significant share of their electricity from nuclear power include Russia, Japan, South Korea, and Germany. Nuclear waste is a solid waste that must be carefully stored because it contains radioactive material and may be harmful if exposed. Currently, most commercial nuclear wastes are stored on-site at nuclear plants. Nuclear power generation itself does not contribute to airborne emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), a major greenhouse gas, although related activities such as the production of nuclear fuel for reactors do result in CO2 emissions. Currently, its nearest competitor in size among non-greenhouse-gas- emitting electricity generating technologies is conventional hydropower, which accounts for about 6% of U.S. electricity generation. Although five nuclear plants were retired in 1997 and 1998, nuclear capacity is about the same as in 1996 when the Watts Bar 1 plant came on line. Technical modifications to increase capacity (called uprates) at existing plants have made this possible. These uprates, combined with high utilization, have enabled nuclear to consistently maintain a share of about 20% of total electricity output. With many nuclear plants operating at or near capacity, even maintaining the current share will depend on new reactors being built as electricity demand increases. However, four new reactors (Vogtle Units 3 and 4 and Summer Units 2 and 3) are expected to come online between 2016 and 2017. As of early 2012, the NRC has active applications for a total of 28 new reactors, although it is unknown how many of the proposed reactors will be built. The NRC application review process is a detailed review that takes 30 to 60 months. Items such as reactor design information, site evaluation, and safety features of the proposed plant are included in the review. Construction may take around six years for each reactor. EIA projects that the industry will add approximately 19.1 gigawatts (19,100 megawatts) of new nuclear capacity during the period 2012 to 2040, with 11.0 gigawatts coming from new reactors and 8.0 gigawatts coming from uprates of existing plants. 