Pub. 4 2014 Issue 1

12 AT THE CENTER OF UTAH INDUSTRY To meet future needs successfully will require continued improvements in technology. New coal technologies will become critical, with supercritical power plants being a logical direction to move. %&/*4& " %3"(00 t t %%3"(00ƙ48-"8 $0. %&/7&3 ] -"4 7&("4 ] -04 "/(&-&4 ] -04 $"#04 ] 03"/(& $06/5: ] 1)0&/*9 ] 3&/0 ] SALT LAKE CITY ] 56$40/ (BUFXBZ 5PXFS 8FTU 8FTU 4PVUI 5FNQMF 4VJUF 4BMU -BLF $JUZ 65 Jim P. Allen Graham J. Gilbert Wade R. Budge Brad R. Cahoon Denise A. Dragoo 8F VOEFSTUBOE UIF MFHBM CVTJOFTT BOE SFHVMBUPSZ JTTVFT GBDFE CZ UIF 6UBI NJOJOH JOEVTUSZ BOE BSF SFBEZ UP IBOEMF UIF OFFET PG NJOJOH DPNQBOJFT BOE WFOUVSFT XXX TXMBX DPN If the mention of such a plant leaves you with a blank look on your face, you aren’t alone. Many people have no idea what a supercritical power plant is. Steam is traditionally created by boilingwater. Once water comes to a boil, the temperature (left to its own devices) won’t increase. Instead, steam bubbles start to form. If you apply pressure, it is possible to raise the boiling temperature. Raise it enough, and water canbe transformed, without boiling, directly into steam. Supercritical power plants put this information to use. Higher pressure and higher temperature result in a more efficient thermal cycle and power plant. Since coal is relatively inexpensive, plentiful, and currently supplies nearly half the electricity generated in the U.S., it makes sense to invest in research and development of the latest clean coal technologies. Having large concentrations of people who can support each other and share common resources makes sense. Since time immemorial, that has been the whole reason why cities began to develop in the first place. But it also makes sense to do our best to create healthy, vibrant communities. No one knows what creative methods will be developed to that end, but it certainly does make sense to take what alreadyworks, and put in the effort tomake those technologies better, cheaper, and more effective. 