Pub. 3 2013 Issue 2

20 AT THE CENTER OF UTAH INDUSTRY HOW MUCH COPPER DOES THAT ELECTRIC CAR NEED? N ew choices in vehic les are increasingly available, p r o v i d i n g b e t t e r f u e l ec onomy and r educ ed emissions. Gas-electric hybrids have become commonplace, and electric cars fill a niche, as well. Projections indicate that the number of electric or gas-electric hybrid cars on the road is going to increase, and 3.8 million electric or hybrid cars could be on the road as early as 2020. Charging stations are more common, as well, with 19,185 electric charging stations now in the U.S. This new generation of vehicles and charging stations means increased demand for copper. Conventional cars have an average of 55 pounds of copper alloys and copper in them. For electric cars and electric hybrid cars, which rely on electricity as the main source of energy, the number is significantly higher. For example, an electric Ford Ranger has about two times as much copper in the wire harness and connectors as a conventional Ford Ranger. For cars that use AC induction motors instead of DC, an inverter (with eight to ten pounds of copper and copper alloys) powers the conversion between the DC batteries and the AC motor. Additionally, some electric systems replace hydraulic ones throughout the car. Power steering, brake systems, heating, and air conditioners are increasingly being designed around electrical-based technology. New copper radiators are stronger, lighter, and smaller than ever before. I n d u s t r y ex p e r t s h ave a l way s appreciated copper: • Copper is strong, resists corrosion, and has superior thermal conductivity. • 100% of copper can be recycled, making it one of the world’s most- recycled metals. In recent years, at least 12 million cars have been scrapped every year. The amount of copper scrapped from radiators alone is almost 10% of the annual copper scrap. Logic dictates that as the number of cars increases, and the amount of copper used in those cars increases, the amount of copper recycled will continue to increase in the future. Copper mining and manufacturing continues to be one of the most important industries in the U.S. As demand for copper increases in today’s ever-evolving and advancing society, copper mining in conjunction with recycling can help meet that growing demand.